date: 2009 Fall;21(3):282-8. doi: 10.1097/PEP.0b013e3181b175cd
author: Taylor K.
publication: Pediatr Phys Ther.
The purpose of this study was to investigate factors considered in the prescription and implementation of standing–frame programs by school–based physical therapists.
A 20-item survey was mailed to 500 members of the APTA Pediatric Section and School–Based Special Interest Group. Survey questions addressed standing–frame program prescription and perceived benefits.
Response rate was 77.2%. A majority of respondents rated ambulatory status for the prescription of standing–frame programs and a child‘s specific needs in the selection of a specific standing frame as very important. Respondents identified multiple benefits with pressure relief rated very important most frequently. More than 50% of respondents indicated social and educational benefits are very important. A majority of respondents prescribed standing–frame programs for 30-45 minutes daily.
Variation does exist, but the majority of school–based physical therapists agree on several key factors in the prescription and implementation of standing–frame programs.